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AGC Florida East Coast has a powerful voice in local, state and national government

AGC Florida East Coast Chapter represents your company at all levels of government.  Whether it’s national legislation, a state licensing bill or a county permitting issue, we are there to defend your business. We co-fund the services of a full-time lobbyist in Tallahassee for state issues who monitors important anti-business legislation and regulations so you don't have to. Additionally, our CEO, a registered lobbyist, lobbies at the local level in the various municipalities, cities, and counties FEC covers.

Florida’s Associated General Contractors Council (AGC Florida East Coast and South Florida AGC) is the only organization in Tallahassee dedicated to defending the interests of the state’s commercial general contractors. Year after year, thanks to general contractors all over the state who dedicate their experience, expertise, time, and resources, AGC leads the charge in shaping important legislation that impacts the bottom line of every general contractor in Florida. Here are just a few examples of state and local efforts:

Florida Council
Legislative Report:

2024 Florida Legislative Session

See Previous Years

The AGC Florida East Coast Chapter and the South Florida AGC Chapter partner to comprise and equally fund the AGC Florida Council, AGC’s state legislative lobbying arm, utilizing the lobbying team of Metz, Husband, and Daughton.

