To provide AGC Florida East Coast Chapter members a competitive edge through advocacy, education and connectivity; to advance and protect the construction profession, promoting skill, integrity and responsibility of our industry, while increasing public awareness as the local voice of construction.
Advocate - Educate - Advance

Associated General Contractors Florida East Coast is a chapter of AGC of America. Our members include general contractors, specialty contractors, suppliers and service providers in the commercial construction industry within eight counties in Florida: Palm Beach, Martin, Indian River, St. Lucie, Okeechobee, Glades, Hendry, and Highlands. Many of our members have multiple offices throughout the state of Florida. We are the closest AGC chapter south of Alabama and Georgia. Since 1949, we have been a strong, influential driving voice to the construction industry, which is our greatest source of pride and legacy.
AGC FEC is one of 89 chapters affiliated with AGC of America. We are a multi-disciplined chapter with our general contractors specializing in commercial construction, high-end residential, heavy highway, docks, marinas, seawalls, bridges, site and utilities. The membership is also supported by members in the categories of specialty contractors, suppliers, and industry service providers. As a Member of the AGC Florida East Coast Chapter you receive membership with AGC of America, the leading national association for the construction industry since 1918. This affiliation affords our members with a strong industry voice and broader access to lobbying on important construction issues, training, services, resources and meetings on the national level.
For 75 years, AGC Florida East Coast Chapter has delivered a variety of services and programs effectively organized to truly protect the interest of our members. We are unified in being the leading voice of all facets of commercial, industrial, and municipal construction, providing members with the opportunities to participate in the decision-making process at the local level. We are governed by a board of directors and supported by a complement of committees. AGC FEC promotes leadership, integrity, education, networking and alliances to enhance the success of our members.
Chapter Objects and Purpose
“The particular business and objects of this Corporation are to promote better relations between private owners and public bodies, their Architects or Engineers and the General Public on the one hand, and contractors on the other; to maintain high professional standards in the conduct of work; to combat unfair practices; to encourage efficiency among contractors; to support contractors and contractors' associations in efforts to rectify conditions of an unsatisfactory character; to encourage those methods of contracting for work which relieve the contractor of improper risks; and to encourage sound business methods tending to raise the standing of contractors generally in the business world.”